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Chapter 3 G Commands
of X axis in the Cartesian right-hand coordinate system, as well, it is an angle when the Y
axis positively rotates to the the parabola with the ellispse long axis along with the CW; refer
to the following figure:
Fig. 3-31
1) P cannot be 0 or omitted, otherwise the system alarms;
2) P has no sign. If it has the negative sign, its absolute value is executed;
3) Q can be omitted, at the time; the symmetrical axis of the parabola is parallel with or
coincident with Z;
4) The system alarms when the straight line on which the starting point and the end point is
parallel with the symmetrical axis of the parabola;
5) G7.2, G7.3 can be used to the compound cycle G70
G73, and their notes are the same
those of G02, G03;
Example: when the parabola P=100(the least increment is 0.0001mm), its symmetrical axis is
parallel with Z. Its machining sketch map and programming are as follows: