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GSK980TDi Turning CNC System User Manual
Fig. 3-62
Program: O0003;
G00 X130 Z5 M3 S1;
G94 X0 Z0 F200 End face cutting
X120 Z-110 F300;
G00 X120 Z0
G94 X108 Z-30 R-10
X96 R-20
X84 R-30
X72 R-40
X60 R-50;
3.21.3 Caution of Fixed Cycle Commands
1) After X(U) , Z(W) , R are executed in the canned cycle command, their command values are
value if X(U) , Z(W) ,R are not redefined by executing a new canned cycle commands. The command
values of X(U) ,Z(W) ,R are cleared if non-modal G command(00 Group) except for G04 or G00,
G01, G02, G03, G32 is executed.
2) In MDI mode, the previous canned cycle can be executed by pressing the cycle start key after
the canned cycle is completed.
3) Pause or single block is executed in G90, G94, the single block stops after the tool moves end
point of current path.
3.22 Multiple Cycle Commands
Multiple cycle commands of the system includes axial roughing cycle G71, radial roughing cycle
G72, closed cutting cycle G73, finishing cycle G70, axial grooving multiple cycle G74, axial grooving
multiple cycle G75 and multiple thread cutting cycle G76. When the system executes these
commands, it automatically counts the cutting times and the cutting path according to the
programmed path, travels of tool infeed and tool retraction, executes multiple machining cycle (tool
retract tool
tool infeed ), automatically completes the roughing, finishing
workpiece and the starting point and the end point of command are the same one.
The G76 multi-thread cutting cycle code will describe in the Section of the Thread Function.
Outer cutting