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Chapter 3 G Commands
cutting are executed;
2. There is no thread run-out when J, or K are omitted; K=J is the thread run-out value
when K is omitted;
3. There is no thread run-out when J=0 or J=0, K=0;
4. The thread run-out value J=K when J
5. There is no thread run-out when J=0 or K
6. When parameter No.107 set to 0, its tail-retraction angle is matched with the J or K ratio.
When the parameter No.107 does not set to 0, the tail-retraction speed of the short axis is
set by parameter value, and the tail-retraction angle is determined by thread cutting speed
and short axis tail-retraction speed;
6. If the current block is for thread and the next block is the same, the system does not test
the spindle encoder signal per rev at starting the next block to execute the direct thread
cutting, which function is called as continuous thread machining;
7. After the feed hold is executed, the system displays “Pause” and the thread cutting
continuously executes not to stop until the current block is executed completely; if the
continuous thread cutting is executed, the program run pauses after thread cutting
blocks are executed completely;
8. In Single block, the program stops run after the current block is executed. The program
stops running after all blocks for thread cutting are executed;
9. The thread cutting decelerates to stop when the system resets, emergently stop or its
drive unit alarms.
Pitch: 2mm.
1 = 3mm,
2 = 2mm,total cutting depth 2mm divided into two times cut-in.
G00 X27.4286 Z3; (First cut-in 1mm)
G32 X48.8571 W-75 F2.0; (First taper cutting)
G00 X55; (Tool retraction)
W75; (Z returns to the starting point)
X26.4286; (Second tool infeed 0.5mm)
G32 X47.4286 W-75 F2.0; (Second taper thread cutting )
G00 X55; (Tool retraction)
W75 ; (Z returns to the starting point)
Starting point
End point