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GSK980TDi Turning CNC System User Manual
GSK980TDi uses a rectangular coordinate system composed of X, Z axis. X axis is
perpendicular with axes of spindle and Z axis is parallel with axes of spindle; negative directions of
them approach to the workpiece and positive ones are away from it.
There is a front tool post and a rear tool post of NC turning machine according to their relative
position between the tool post and the spindle, Fig. 1-4 is a coordinate system of the front tool post
and Fig. 1-5 is a rear tool post one. It shows exactly the opposite of X axes, but the same of Z axes
from figures. In the manual, it will introduce programming application with the front tool post
coordinate system in the following figures and examples.
Fig.1-4 Front tool post coordinate system Fig.1-5 Rear tool post coordinate system
1.3.2 Machine Coordinate System, Machine Zero & Machine Reference
Machine tool coordinate system
is a benchmark one used for CNC counting coordinates and a
fixed one on the machine tool.
Machine tool zero
is a fixed point which position is specified by zero
switch or zero return switch on the machine tool. Usually, the zero return switch is installed on max.
stroke in X, Z positive direction. Machine reference point is located at the position at which the
machine zero value adding the data parameter No.114/No.115 value. When No.114/No.115 value is 0,
the machine reference point coincides with the machine zero. The coordinates of machine reference
point is the No.120/No.121 value. Machine zero return/G28 zero return is to execute the machine
reference point return. After the machine zero return/machine reference point return is completed,
GSK980TDi machine coordinate system which takes No.120 value as the reference point, which is
referred to I Programming, Section 3.13.
Note: Do not execute the machine reference point return without the reference point switch installed on the
machine tool; otherwise, the motion exceeds the travel limit and the machine to be damaged.
1.3.3 Workpiece Coordinate System & Program Zero
The workpiece coordinate system is a rectangular coordinate system based on the part drawing,
also called floating coordinate system. After the workpiece is installed on the machine, the absolute
coordinates of tool’s current position is set by G50 according to the workpiece’s measure, and so the
workpiece coordinate system is established in CNC. Generally, Z axis of the workpiece coordinate
system coincides with the spindle axis. The established workpiece is valid till it is replaced by a new
one. The system can set 6 workpiece coordinate systems G54~G59 in advance. Refer to I
Programming, Section 3.18 about the details of workpiece coordinate system.
A sub workpiece coordinate system is created in a workpiece coordinate system, which is called
as a local coordinate system. Refer to I Programming, Section 3.17 about the details of the local