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GSK980TDi Turning CNC System User Manual
(3) The program execution continues after pressing the
2. Stop by Reset key
(1) All axes movement is stopped.
(2) M, S function output is inactive (the automatic cut-off of signals such as spindle CCW/CW,
lubricating, cooling by pressing
key can be set by the parameters)
(3) Modal function and state is held on after the auto run.
3. Stop by Emergency stop button
If the external emergency button (external emergency signal active) is pressed under the
dangerous or emergent situation during the machine running, the CNC system enters into emergency
state, and the machine moving is stopped immediately, all the output (such as spindle rotation,
cooling) are all cut off. If the Emergency button is released, the alarm is cancelled and CNC system
enters into reset mode.
4. Switching operation mode
When Auto mode is switched to the Machine zero, MPG/Step, Manual, Program zero mode, the
current block “dwells” immediately; when the Auto mode is switched to the Edit, MDI mode in Auto
mode, the “dwell” is not displayed till the current block is executed.
Note 1: Ensure that the fault has been resolved before cancelling the emergency alarm.
Note 2: The electric shock to the device may be decreased by pressing the Emergency button before power
on and off.
Note 3: The Machine zero return operation should be performed again after the emergency alarm is
cancelled to ensure the correctness of the position coordinates (but this operation is forbidden if
there is no machine zero in the machine).
Note 4: Only the BIT3 (MESP) of the bit parameter No.172 is set to 0, could the external emergency stop be
9.1.4 Automatic Run From an Arbitrary Block
key to enter the Edit mode, press
key to enter the program content page;
1) Move the cursor to the block to be executed (for example, move the cursor to the 3
row head if
it executes from the 3
2) If the mode (G, M, T, F code) of the current block where the cursor locates is defaulted and
inconsistent with the running mode of this block, the corresponding modal function should be