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GSK980TDi Turning CNC System User Manual
deceleration signal and zero-point signal at the same time).
Bit 2 1: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the Y axis (DECY) and one-rotation
signal (PCY) are connected in parallel (use a proximity switch as a deceleration signal and
zero-point signal at the same time).
0: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the Y axis (DECY) and one-rotation
signal (PCY) are connected separately (use a proximity switch as a deceleration signal
and zero-point signal at the same time).
Bit 1 1: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the Z axis (DECZ) and one-rotation
signal (PCZ) are connected in parallel (use a proximity switch as a deceleration signal and
zero-point signal at the same time).
0: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the Z axis (DECZ) and
one-rotation signal (PCZ) are connected separately (use a proximity switch as a
deceleration signal and zero-point signal at the same time).
Bit 0 1: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the X axis (DECX) and one-rotation
signal (PCX) are connected in parallel (use a proximity switch as a deceleration signal and
zero-point signal at the same time).
0: During machine zero return, the deceleration signal of the X axis (DECX) and one-rotation
signal (PCX) are connected separately (use a proximity switch as a deceleration signal
and zero-point signal at the same time).
Note: In the zero return method B, it is set to 0; the zero return can be detected the PC signal after
releasing from the block when it independently connects. If it is set to 1, PC detection signal begins after
pressing the block to decelerate to zero when it is connected in parallel, and the block then can be reserved.
0 1 1
Bit3 1: Manual machine zero return is invalid;
0: Manual machine zero return is valid;
Bit 2: 1: The direction key is self-locked during machine zero return; press the direction key once till
the machine zero return is finished;
0: The direction key is not self-locked during machine zero return; press down the direction key;
Bit1 1:Ref.C mode,the feeding slowdown when machine press down switch, it is reversed after
decelerating to zero.
0:Ref.C mode,the feeding slowdown when machine release switch, it is reversed after
decelerating to zero.
Bit 7 1: CNC sets the absolute coordinate system automatically after reference point return;
0: CNC does not set absolute coordinate system automatically after reference point return;
Bit 0 1: Manual rapid traverse is valid after system power-on and before machine zero return;
0: Manual rapid traverse is invalid after system power-on and before machine zero return;
0 1 4
Bit4, Bit3, Bit2, Bit1, Bit0
1: Machine zero point is set on the 5
, 4
, Y, Z, X axes; deceleration signal and zero point signal are
needed to be detected during machine zero return;
0: Machine zero point is not set on the 5
, 4
, Y, Z, X axes; deceleration signal and zero point signal
are not detected during machine zero return;