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Chapter 1 Programming
Absolute programming: G01 X200 Z50;
Incremental programming: G01 U100 W-50;
Compound programming: G01 X200 W-50; or G01 U100 Z50
Note: When there are command address X/ U or Z/ W at the same time, X/Z command value is valid.
G50 X10 Z20;
G01 X20 W30 U20 Z30;
End point of the block (X20, Z30)
1.3.6 Diameter Programming & Radius Programming
Programming methods of X coordinate values are divided into: diameter programming and
radius programming.
Diameter programming: when NO.001 Bit2 is 0, X input command value is in diameter and X
coordinate is in diameter at the moment;
Radius programming: when NO.001 Bit2 is 1, X input command value is in radius and X
coordinate is in radius at the moment.
Addresses relevant to diameter or radius programming
Address Explanation
X coordinate
G50 setting X coordinate
In diameter
In radius
X increment
In diameter
In radius
X finishing allowance in G71, G72, G73
In diameter
In radius
Moving distance of tool retraction when
cutting to the end point in G74
In diameter
In radius
Except for addresses and data in Table 1-1, others (arc radius, taper in G90) are unrelated to
diameter or radius programming, and their input values in X direction are defined by the radius.
Note: The diameter programming is used except for the special description in the following explanation.
1.4 Structure of an NC Program
User needs to compile part programs (called program) according to command formats of CNC
system. CNC system executes programs to control the machine tool movement, the spindle
starting/stopping, the cooling and the lubricant ON/OFF to complete the machine of workpiece.
Program example: