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Chapter 2 Definition and Connection of Interface Signal
R e v e r s e l y
D e c e l e
r a t e s
t o s t o
T i m e
t )
R e t u r n
f i n i s h
L o w r e t u r n
s p e e d
H i g h r e t u r n
s p e e d
V e l o c i t y
n P C
Z e r o r e t u r n s p e e d
Deceleration switch
Zero return
High return speed
Low return
to sto
Deceleration switch
Fig. 2-36 (Out-of-block deceleration) Fig. 2-37 (Push the block deceleration)
Return process of machine zero mode C
A: Select Machine zero mode, press the manual positive or negative feed key (return direction
set by bit parameter No.183), the corresponding axis moves to the machine zero by a rapid
traverse speed (No.113). As the axis press down the deceleration switch to cut off
deceleration signal, if the pushing block begins deceleration (Bit 1 of status parameter
No.011), the operation speed is then decelerated to zero. The feeding keeps rapid rate and
depart from the deceleration switch, when the DEC signal contact is closed, the feeding
slows down to zero, then run reversely to return to machine zero in a low speed.
B: In the reverse running, it presses down the deceleration switch to cut off the DEC signal
contact and continues returning; as it departs from the deceleration switch, the deceleration
signal contact is closed again. And CNC begins to detect the encoder one-turn signal (PC), if
this signal level skips, the motion will be halted. And the corresponding axis zero return
indicator on the operation panel lights up for zero return completion.
Machine zero return by a proximity switch taken as both deceleration and zero signals
Its sketch map is as follows:
Sketch map of zero tongue for machine zero return mode B:
Fig. 2-38
Sketch map of zero tongue for machine zero return mode C: