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Chapter 1 Programming
then it continuously runs from the next block after
is pressed or the external cycle
start signal is switched on;
Block with “/” in the front of it is not executed when the block skipping switch is ON;
The system skips to the target block to run after executing G65;
Please see I Programming, Section Three G Commands about execution sequence of
Call corresponding subprograms or macro program to run when executing M98 or
M9000~M9999; the system returns to main program to call the next block when executing
M99(if M99 specifies a target block number, the system returns to it to run) after the
subprograms or macro programs run completely;
The system return to the first block to run and the current program is executed repetitively
when M99 is executed in a main program.
1.5.2 Execution Sequence of Word
There are many words (G, X, Z, F, R, M, S, T and so on) and most of M, S, T is transmitted to
PLC by NC explaining and others are directly executed by NC. M98, M99, M9000
M9999, S word
used to specify the spindle speed r/min, m/min is directly executed by NC.
NC firstly executes G and then M commands when G codes and M00, M01, M02 and M30 are in
the same block.
NC firstly executes G and then M commands( without transmitting M signal to PLC) when G
codes and M98, M99, M9000
M9999 are in the same block.
When G codes and M, S, T executed by PLC are in the same block, PLC defines M, S, T and G
to be executed simultaneously, or execute M, S ,T after G codes. Please see User Manual of machine
manufacturer for execution sequence of commands.
Execution sequence of G, M, S, T in the same block defined by GSK980TDi standard PLC
program is as follows:
M3, M4, M8, M10, M12, M32, M41, M42, M43, M44, S
, T
and G codes are executed
M5, M9, M11, M13, M33 after G codes are executed;
M00, M01, M02, M30 after other commands of current block are executed.
1.6 Basic Axis Incremental System
The incremental system includes least input increment (input) and least command increment
(output). Least input increment is the least movement unit of programming movement distance, and
least command increment is the least unit of tool traversing on the machine. The two increment
systems use mm, inch or deg.
The basic axes include X, Z, and their incremental system has IS-B, IS-C selected by No.00.1
Increment 0