Official GSK Agents in South Africa
Tel: +27 11 626 2720, [email protected]
Chapter 3 Parameters
Bit3 1: 4
movement key
is positive,
is negative
0: 4
movement key
is positive
is negative
Bit2 1: Y movement key
is positive
is negative
0: Y movement key
is positive
is negative
Bit1 1: Z movement key
is positive
is negative
0: Z movement key
is positive
is negative
Bit0 1: X movement key
is positive
is negative
0: X movement key
is positive
is negative
1 8 0 NAT *** ***
Bit7 1: Function ATAN, ASIN range is 90.0
0: Function ATAN, ASIN range is -90.0
Bit3 1:Boot dispaly if custom page setted to display custom page
0:Boot dispaly if custom page setted to display fault page
Bit2 1:Display custom page display
0:Display custom page hide
Bit1 1:Multi-letter key input mode shift mode only\
0:Multi-letter key input mode repeat keystroke or shift mode
Bit0 1: DIS TO GO displayed in POS&PRG page
0: RELATIVE POS displayed in POS&PRG page
1 8 1 RLC MRC
Bit7 1: G52 local coordinate system is cancelled after reset;
0: G52 local coordinate system is not cancelled after reset;
Bit6 1: G52 local coordinate system is cancelled after the execution of M30, M02;
0: G52 local coordinate system is not cancelled after the execution of M30, M02;
Bit5 1: G52 local coordinate system is cancelled after reference point return;
0: G52 local coordinate system is not cancelled after reference point return;
Bit4 1:When system reset,the program block of MDI are deleted
0:When system reset,the program block of MDI are not deleted
Bit3 1: Blocks edited in MDI mode are deleted after reset;
0: Block edited in MDI mode are not deleted after reset;
Bit2 1:After the execution of M02, M30,the program block of MDI are not deleted
0:After the execution of M02, M30,the program block of MDI are deleted
Bit1 1:The angle in CHF/CNR measurement-programe-inputing function was specified by
Supplementary one
0:The angle in CHF/CNR measurement-programe-inputing function was specified by Nornal
Bit0 1: In linear chamfering, L means the length between chamfering point and cross point;
0: In linear chamfering, L means the length of chamfering;