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Chapter 4 Machine Debugging methods and Modes
Combinations and functions of tool change mode selection Bit1(CHTB), Bit0(CHTA) of K
parameter No.11 are referred to
Tool Change Control
Data parameter No.076: Duration for moving a tool in tool changing
Data parameter No.078: Upper limit time for changing one tool
Data parameter No.082: Delay time from tool post CCW stop to CW clamping start
Data parameter No.084: Total tools number
Data parameter No.085: Delay of tool post CW clamping
If the tool post doesn’t rotate at first power on for tool change, the phase connection of the
3-phase power of the tool post motor may be incorrect, it needs to press the RESET key immediately
and cutoff the power, then check the wiring; if the fault is caused by this, exchange two phases of the
3-phase power.
The CW clamping duration setting should be proper, it should be neither longer nor shorter,
longer delay may damage the motor, shorter delay may cause the tool post not to be completely
clamped. The method to check the tool post clamping is: approach the dial-indicator to the tool post,
turn the tool post manually, and the pointer floating of the dial-indicator should not be over 0.01mm.
The BIT7(TL-) and BIT6(TL+) of diagnosis message DGN.005 are used to check the validity of
tool post CCW/CW output signal.
The BIT0
BIT3 (T01
T04) of diagnosis message DGN.000 are used to check the validity of
tool number T01
T04 signal.
During debugging, every tool, max. tools change should be performed to check the correctness
of the tool change, time parameter setting.
4.9 Step/MPG Adjustment
key on the panel can be used to select the Step mode or MPG mode, which is set by
the BIT3 of bit parameter No.001.
Bit3 =1: MPG mode active, Step mode inactive;
=0: Step mode active, MPG mode inactive;