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Chapter 3 G Commands
Example 2:
G0 X50 Z5; (rapid traverse to X50 Z5)
G04 X4; (dwell 4 seconds)
G04 X5; (dwell 5 seconds again, G04 is non-modal and is needed to input again)
Example 3 (the first run after power-on) :
G98 F500 G01 X100 Z100; (Feedrate per minute 500mm/min in G98)
G92 X50 W-20 F2 ; (F value is a pitch and must be input in thread cutting)
G99 G01 U10 F0.01 (Feedrate per revolution in G99 must be input again
G00 X80 Z50 M30;
3.1.3 Related Definitions
In the user manual, the definitions of Word are as follows except for the especial explanations:
Starting point: position before the current block runs;
End point: position after the current block ends;
X: X absolute coordinates of end point;
U: different value of absolute coordinates between starting point and end point;
Z: Z absolute coordinates of end point;
W: different value of absolute coordinates between starting point and end point;
F: cutting feedrate.
3.2 Rapid Traverse Movement G00
Command format:
G00 X(U) Z(W) ;
Command function:
X, Z rapidly traverses at the respective traverse speed to the end points
from their starting point. G00 is initial command as Fig.3-1.
X, Z traverses at the respective traverse speed, the short axis arrives the
end point and the length axis continuously moves to the end point and the
compound path may be not linear.
Command specification:
G00 is initial mode;
X, U, Z, W range: ±99999999× least input increment
Can omit one or all command addresses X(U), Z(W). The coordinate values of starting point and
end point are the same when omitting one command address; the end point and the starting
point are in the same position when all are omitted. X, Z are valid, and U, W are invalid when X,
U, Z and W are in the same one block. X, U, Z, W rang is referred to Table 1-2 of Section 1.4.1,
unit: mm//inch.
Command path: