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Chapter 9 AUTO Operation
9.4.3 MPG Interruption Value Cancel
The cancellation of the MPG interruption value can be returned the workpiece coordinate system
after offset to the one before offset.
When the cancellation operation of the interruption value is performed, the MPG interruption
value reflects to the absolute coordinate value.
The workpiece coordinate system offset generated from MPG interruption is shown below:
The workpiece coordinate system recovers to the state before interruption after the MPG
interruption is cancelled, however, the actual position is invariable, refer to the following figure:
Interruption value cancel
Workpiece coordinate system after
MPG interruption cancellation
Workpiece coordinate system before
MPG interruption cancellation
Machine tool
coordinate system
Position after MPG
interruption cancellation
The interruption value can be cancelled base upon the following situations:
Reset, EMS (Set whether it is cancelled by parameter).
Perform G28 or Manual return reference point operation. (When the absolute coordinate
system is set after returning to the reference position, the interruption value will be directly
eliminated regardless of the new-created absolute coordinate system. When the absolute
coordinate system does not set after returning to the reference position, the workpiece
system will recover to the previous state of the interruption, simultaneously, the interruption
value is then eliminated).