Official GSK Agents in South Africa
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Appendix VI Alarm List
IV Appendix
No. Content Remark
Machine zero point Can't be returned because no zero point position is
established as axis Y of equipping absolute encoder
Machine zero point Can't be returned because no zero point position is
established as axis 4TH of equipping absolute encoder
Machine zero point Can't be returned because no zero point position is
established as axis 5TH of equipping absolute encoder
Machine zero point Can't be returned because no zero point position is
established as axis 6TH of equipping absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis X of equipping
absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis Z of equipping
absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis Y of equipping
absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis 4TH of equipping
absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis 5TH of equipping
absolute encoder
The position of movining is being out of range as axis 6TH of equipping
absolute encoder
The name of axis isn't in the usable range or exists same name with
others,set parameter #225
increment system of additional axis(Y,4th,5th) should not less than current
increment system(IS-B,IS-C).setting again
7003 basic axis X/Y/Z can only set one,set parameter #230
7008 parameters of electric-gear set wrong
data errors
restart and return reference please! adjust tool offsets
check all
can't set two or more CS axes effectively if muilt-spindles function are not
effect or if no using second CS axis
Can't use CS spindle because the spindle don't bind a valid feed axis.\n
Please check the parameter No.221
7012 Set rotary axis function firstly before using CS axis or rigid tapping.
7013 Can't use axis CS because it isn't a serial spindle.
7014 Fail to switch CS mode
7015 don't switch spindle working mode while using Cs axis
7016 Set rotary axis function firstly before using CS axis or rigid tapping
7017 Can't use axis CS because it isn't a serial spindle.
7020 Spindle No. definition error or repeated\n please set parameter No.220
The feed axis which binds to spindle is set by error or repeated.\n Please
check the parameter No.221
The feed axis which binds to spindle is invalid or CS axis at first. Then the
function of servo motor spindle can be used.