Official GSK Agents in South Africa
Tel: +27 11 626 2720, [email protected]
Chapter 3 G Commands
Macro command list
Command format
G65 H01 P#i Q#j
# i = # j assign value of j to i
G65 H02 P#i Q#j R#k;
Decimal add operation
# i = # j + # k
G65 H03 P#i Q#j R#k;
Decimal subtract operation
# i = # j - # k
G65 H04 P#i Q#j R#k;
Decimal multiplication operation
# i = # j×# k
G65 H05 P#i Q#j R#k;
Decimal division operation
# i = # j÷# k
G65 H11 P#i Q#j R#k;
Binary addition
# i = # j OR # k
G65 H12 P#i Q#j R#k;
Binary multiplication(operation)
# i = # j AND # k
G65 H13 P#i Q#j R#k;
Binary exclusive or
# i = # j XOR # k
G65 H21 P#i Q#j;
Decimal square root
# i =
G65 H22 P#i Q#j;
Decimal absolute value
# i = |# j |
G65 H23 P#i Q#j R#k; Decimal remainder
Remainder of # i = (#j÷# k)
G65 H24 P#i Q#j;
Decimal into binary
# i = BIN(# j )
G65 H25 P#i Q#j;
Binary into decimal
# i = DEC(# j )
G65 H26 P#i Q#j R#k;
Decimal multiplication/division
# i = # i×# j÷# k
G65 H27 P#i Q#j R#k;
Compound square root
# i =
G65 H31 P#i Q#j R#k;
# i = # j×sin(# k)
G65 H32 P#i Q#j R#k;
# i = # j×cos(# k)
G65 H33 P#i Q#j R#k;
# i = # j×tan(# k)
G65 H34 P#i Q#j R#k;
Arc tangent
# i = ATAN(# j / # k)
G65 H80 Pn;
Unconditional jump
Jump to block n
G65 H81 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 1
Jump to block n if # j = # k,otherwise
the system executes in order
G65 H82 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 2
Jump to block n if # j
# k, otherwise
the system executes in order
G65 H83 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 3
Jump to block n if # j
# k,
otherwise the system executes in
G65 H84 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 4
Jump to block n if # j
# k,
otherwise the system executes in
G65 H85 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 5
Jump to block n if # j
# k, otherwise
the system executes in order
G65 H86 Pn Q#j R#k;
Conditional jump 6
Jump to block n if # j
# k, otherwise
the system executes in order
G65 H99 Pn;
P/S alarm
(500+n) alarms
Operation commands
1) Assignment of macro variables: # I = # J
G65 H01 P#I Q#J
(Example) G65 H01 P# 101 Q1005; (#101 = 1005)
G65 H01 P#101 Q#110; (#101 = #110)
G65 H01 P#101 Q-#102; (#101 = -#102)