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Appendix VI Alarm List
IV Appendix
No. Content Remark
Nvram data error(BLashSum)\n Restart machine and set zero point and set
tool offset again please.
Nvram data error(PitchSum)\n Restart machine and set zero point and set
tool offset again please.
Nvram data error(TSafetyPos)\n Restart machine and set safe position of
switching tool please.
7801 Parameter switch has been opened
7803 Fail to open or delete the part program
Set position number of screw compensation error.\nmodify parameter No.96
~ 98 please.
USB disk connectted again. please reload the program if the file has been
7806 turn on power again when parameter is modified
Success to renew the working ladder which has been stopped.rerun it or
power on again please.
7808 CNC is failed to communicate with keyboard
7810 Fail to open PLC file
7811 The software version of ladder_chart is not suited
7812 The first grade program of ladder_chart is too long
7815 The voltage is low or unsteady.
7816 NVRAM data verifies error!
7817 The time is too short to save NVRAM data for last time when lost power.
7830 Machine diagnosis configuration file is modified, it is better to restart again.
7900 Loaded system allocation file is mistaken. Confirm whether cnc.cfg. exists
7901 Loaded system allocation file is mistaken. Confirm whether param.cfg.
7902 Loaded parameter value file is mistaken
Tool offset error!Refresh tool offset please. Clear alarm for pressing keys
[CAN],[RESET] simultaneously
7904 Loaded pitch compensation file is mistaken
7905 Fail to load file COORD.CRD
7906 Fail to start PLC ladder\nCheck ladder!
7908 Fail to load toollife file!
Limited-time stop time is over and the system cannot run normally. Please
contact with salesmen
CNC level degrade to lowest beause the time of stopping has been
arrived,contact your supplier please.
CNC is going to stop work in several days.\nContact with supplier in
advance please.
The password of stopping operation is default.Suggest to change the
password please.
7998 System software error! please contact with GSK CNC equipment co.,ltd.!
7999 There is an unknown alarm. Please contact with developers