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Chapter 3 G Commands
Fig. 3-77 G73 path
Command specifications:
1. ns
nf blocks in programming must be followed G73 blocks. If they are in the front of
G73 blocks, the system automatically searches and executes ns
nf blocks, and then
executes the next program following nf block after they are executed, which causes the
system executes ns
nf blocks repetitively.
2. ns
nf blocks are used for counting the roughing path and the blocks are not executed
when G73 is executed. F, S, T commands of ns
nf blocks are invalid when G71 is
executed, at the moment, F, S, T commands of G73 blocks are valid. F, S, T of ns
blocks are valid when executing ns
nf to command G70 finishing cycle.
3. There are only G00, G01 in ns block.
4. In
nf blocks, there are only G commands: G00, G01, G02, G03, G04, G05, G6.2,
G6.3, G7.2, G7.3, G96, G97, G98, G99, G40, G41, G42 and the system cannot call
subprograms (M98/M99) .
5. In
nf, the program block quantity cannot exceed 100;
6. G96, G97, G98, G99, G40, G41, G42 are invalid when G73 is executed, and are valid
when G70 is executed.
7. When G73 is executed, the system can stop the automatic run and manual traverse, but
return to the position before manual traversing when G73 is executed again, otherwise,
the following path will be wrong.
8. When the system is executing the feed hold or single block, the program pauses after
the system has executed end point of current path.
9. i
, u are specified by the same U and
w are specified by the same U, and they
are different with or without being specified P,Q commands.
10. G73 cannot be executed in MDI, otherwise, the system alarms.
11. There are no the same block number in ns~nf when compound cycle commands are
executed repetitively in one program.
12. The tool retraction point should be high or low as possible to avoid crashing the
Coordinate offset direction with finishing allowance: