Constituent code
IMMAGE 800 Operations Manual A11403
September 2016
Page 3 of 6
Constituent code
A quality assurance program code that can be defined for a control chemistry.
Control ID
The equivalent of a Sample ID for a control. Up to 8 unique Control IDs can be
defined for each Control Name.
Conversion factor
The value that a user may define to apply to a result to convert from one category of
units to another.
Critical range
A user-defined range consisting of low and high values that are used to flag patient
results as "critical low" or "critical high".
One of the receptacles on the IMMAGE 800 reaction carousel in which sample and
reactants are mixed and the reaction is measured.
Data Acquisition Software.
Data bits
Low or high voltage signals transmitted through the serial communication data line.
Data bits are transmitted after a Start bit and before the Parity bit and Stop bit. The
user can configure the number of bits to be transmitted between the Start bit and Stop
A collection of data stored and organized for rapid access and retrieval.
Sample dilution medium for most protein and drug dilutions.
Diluent type
A specific type of sample dilution medium, such as Diluent 1 (DIL1).
Dilution, off-line
A dilution factor defined by the user by which the sample result will be multiplied.
Dilution segment
A disposable tray of 36 dilution wells.