card. This condition is similar to the
, but the IOSCFG-COPY-FAIL condition
applies to ML-Series Ethernet cards rather than the control card.
The Invalid LoginLocked Out (LOGIN-FAIL-LOCKOUT) condition occurs when you attempt to log into a
locked account.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Security: Invalid LoginAlready Logged On (LOGIN-FAIL-ONALRDY) condition occurs when a user
attempts to log into a node where the user already has an existing session and a Single-User-Per-Node (SUPN)
policy exists.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Invalid LoginPassword (LOGIN-FAILURE-PSWD) condition occurs when you attempt to log in with
an invalid password.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Invalid LoginUsername (LOGIN-FAILURE-USERID) condition occurs when a user login (CTC, Cisco
Transport Manager [CTM], or TL1) fails because the login username is not present on the node database. You
must log in again with an existing user ID.
This transient condition is equivalent to a security warning. You must check the security log (audit log) for
other security-related actions that have occurred.
The Automatic Logout of Idle User (LOGOUT-IDLE-USER) condition occurs when a user session is idle
for too long (the idle timeout expires) and the session terminates as a result. You must log in again to restart
your session.
The Master Key Exchange Success condition occurs when the master key is successfully reset and the Threshold
Crossing Alert (TCA) has provisioned.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Transient Conditions