The AWG Warm-Up condition occurs when a 40MUX, 32WSS-O, 40WSSC-C, 32DMX, or 40DMX card
heater-control circuit is attaining its operating temperature during startup. The condition lasts approximately
10 minutes but can vary somewhat from this period due to environmental temperature.
AWG-WARM-UP is an informational condition and does not require troubleshooting.
Default Severity: Critical (CR)
Logical Object: NE
The Bad Database Detected alarm is raised when the database load fails due to the following:
• Soft-reset of Active Controller
• Software Upgrade
• Database Restore
A pop-up error message might appear while navigating to card view and shelf view.
Do not use the reboot command in the console when the BAD-DB-DETECTED alarm is raised.
Clear the BAD-DB-DETECTED Alarm
Restore any known good database.
Reset NE to the factory default settings.
If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Default Severity: Major (MJ), Service-Affecting (SA)
Logical Object: PWR
The Battery Fail alarm occurs when one of the two power supplies (A or B) is not detected. This could be
because the supply is removed or is not operational. The alarm does not distinguish between the individual
power supplies, so onsite information about the conditions is necessary for troubleshooting.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting