Error/Warning Message
You can not delete a circuit that is a
member of VCAT circuit.
This VCAT circuit does not support deletion of its
member circuits.
Refer to the error message text.
An error occurred while deleting member circuits. {0}
Refer to the warning message text.
Not all cross-connects from selected circuits could be
merged into the current circuit. They might appear as
partial circuits.
A monitor circuit does not support
Bridge and Roll.
The circuit roll failed. Bridge and roll is not supported
on monitor circuits.
Refer to the error message text.
An error occurred during the circuit upgrade. {0}
The maximum amount of attempts to
unlock this session has been reached.
You have failed {0} times to unlock this session. CTC
will exit after you click OK or close this dialog box.
Refer to the warning message text.
Currently, CTC does not support bridge and roll on
circuits that are entirely created by TL1. To continue
with bridge and roll in CTC, the selected circuits must
be upgraded. Is it OK to upgrade the selected circuits
and continue the bridge and roll operation?
Refer to the warning message text.
Currently, CTC does not support bridge and roll on
circuits that are partially created by TL1. To continue
with bridge and roll in CTC, the selected circuits must
be upgraded. Is it OK to upgrade the selected circuits
and continue the bridge and roll operation?
The attempt to reconfigure the
specified circuit has failed.
An error occurred during the circuit reconfiguration.
A few circuits could not be created.
{0} of {1} circuits could not be successfully created.
The selected item, specified by {0}, is
invalid as per the details, specified in
An error occurred during circuit verification. The
selected {0} is invalid! {1}
Deleting the item can affect the service
of CTC.
Deleting {0} might be service affecting.
Refer to the error message text.
A validation error occurred in row {0}. {1} hold-off
timer for {2} must be between {3}-10,000 ms, in steps
of 100 ms.
Refer to the error message text.
The SSLIOP port cannot have the same port value as
IIOP port. Please change it and apply again.
Change a few parameters in an
Ethernet remote monitoring (RMON)
threshold and try again.
An Ethernet RMON threshold with the same parameters
already exists. Please change one or more of the
parameters and try again.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Error Messages
Error Messages Reference