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Default Severity: Critical (CR), Service-Affecting (SA)
Logical Object: OCH
For the 32WSS-O and 40WSS-C, the LOS-P alarm can be associated with Add ports as well as pass-through
internal ports. If the LOS-P (OCH) alarm is raised against this kind of port a different troubleshooting procedure
is needed because the port does not have an optical power source directly connected to it. In this case, follow
the general troubleshooting rules for network-level (inter-node) troubleshooting in the chapter,
to identify upstream alarms in the logical signal flow that could cause an LOS-P.
LOS-P (OCH) indicates a loss of received signal, which means the monitored input power value has crossed
the Power Failure Low threshold associated with the port in accordance with the specific VOA power reference
setpoint provisioned on VOA along the path.
Clear the LOS-P (OCH) Alarm
Verify that the card is exhibiting correct behavior by checking the LED behavior on the physical card.
A green ACT/SBY LED indicates an active card, and a red ACT/SBY LED indicates a failed card. If
the LED is red, complete the
Physically Replace a Card, on page 453
procedure and continue with
Verify that there truly is a loss of received signal by completing the following steps:
Verify the fiber continuity to the port using site practices. Refer to the Network Reference chapter of
the Configuration guide for a procedure to detect a fiber cut.
Check the Internal Connections file generated by Cisco TransportPlanner for the node where the card
is located. If necessary, recable the node in accordance with the MP file connections list. For procedures
to cable a DWDM node, refer to the Turn Up a Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
If the cabling is good, verify that each involved optical signal source, including TXP, MXP or ITU-T
line card trunk transmit ports, is in the IS (or Unlocked) administrative state. To do this, click the
following tabs as appropriate:
If the signal source is in IS (or Unlocked) administrative state, use an optical test set to verify that the
transmit laser is active. For specific procedures to use the test set equipment, consult the manufacturer.
If the laser is active, compare the card’s provisioned transmit optical power value with the expected
range in the Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards chapter of the Configuration guide. To display
the provisioned transmit optical power values, click the following tabs as appropriate:
Use a standard power meter to measure actual transmit optical power for the following cards as applicable:
If the power is within the expected range, return to the port that reported LOS-P and clean the alarmed
port’s fiber according to site practice. If no site practice exists, complete the procedure in the Maintain
the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
If the alarm does not clear, add path VOAs during startup failure as noted in the Perform Node Acceptance
Tests chapter of the Configuration guide to remedy the problem.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting