The Suspend User Clear (ADMIN-SUSPEND-CLR) condition occurs when the user or administrator changes
the password.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Archive of Audit Log Failed (AUD-ARCHIVE-FAIL) condition occurs when the software fails to archive
the audit log. The condition normally occurs when the user refers to an FTP server that does not exist, or uses
an invalid login while trying to archive. The user must log in again with correct user name, password, and
FTP server details.
This transient condition does not lead to a standing condition.
The Automatic WDM ANS Finish (AUTOWDMANS) condition indicates that an automatic node setup (ANS)
command has been initiated. It normally occurs when you replace dense wavelength division multiplexing
(DWDM) cards; the condition is an indication that the system has regulated the card.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The BLSR Multinode Table Update Completed (BLSR-RESYNC) condition might occur when you create
or delete circuits on a bidirectional line switched ring (BLSR) or multiplex section-shared protection ring
(MS-SPRing), change a ring topology (for example, add or delete a BLSR/MS-SPRing node), or change the
BLSR/MS-SPRing circuit state and ring ID.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Database Backup Failed (DBBACKUP-FAIL) condition occurs when the system fails to back up the
database when the backup command is initiated.
This condition can occur when the server is not able to handle the backup operation due to network or server
issues. Repeat the same operation again and check to see if it is successful. If the backup fails, it could be due
to a network issue or software program failure. Contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) (1 800
553-2447) for assistance.
The Database Restore Failed (DBRESTORE-FAIL) condition occurs when the system fails to restore the
backed up database when the restore command is initiated.
This condition can be due to server issues, network issues, or human error (pointing to a file that does not
exist, wrong file name, etc.). Retrying the database restore with the correct file will usually succeed. If the
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Transient Conditions