WPP uses the network topology information carried by the OSC link among different nodes to identify the
routing path of the optical wavelength (OCHNC circuits) from the source node to the destination node. WPP
also enables the card ports of the OCHNC circuits by changing the administrative state from the default (OOS
or Locked) state to the final (IS or Unlocked) state.
Prerequisites for Successful OCHNC Circuit Creation
The prerequisite conditions for successfully completed circuit creation are:
Internode: OSC link active among all DWDM nodes involved
Internode: APC enabled (or alternatively manually disabled by the user)
Intranode: Logical connections among cards created and provisioned on every node of the network (ANS
For more information about these operations, refer to the NTP-G183 Diagnose and Fix OCHNC and OCH
Trail Circuits section in Configuration guide.
OCHNC circuit creation is successfully completed when the CTC circuit table reports the situation shown in
Figure 16: OCHNC Circuit Successfully Completed, on page 77
• The Circuit Status has turned to DISCOVERED.
• The # of spans field shows the correct number of hops among different nodes that the OCHNC circuit
passes through to reach the final destination.
• Circuit State reports IS (or unlocked).
Figure 16: OCHNC Circuit Successfully Completed
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
General Troubleshooting
Prerequisites for Successful OCHNC Circuit Creation