Peripheral Units (Vol. 2 of 2)
Micro Link Interface (MLI)
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
MLI, V2.0
Complete address range of target device available
Specific frame protocol to transfer commands, addresses and data
Error detection by parity bit
32-bit, 16-bit, or 8-bit data transfers supported
Programmable baud rates
– MLI transmitter baud rate: max.
/2 (= 37.5 Mbit/s @ 75 MHz module clock)
– MLI receiver baud rate: max.
Address range protection scheme to block unauthorized accesses
Multiple receiving devices supported Naming Conventions
Local and Remote Controller
The terms “Local” and “Remote” Controller are assigned to the two partners
(microcontrollers or other devices with MLI modules) of a serial MLI connection. The
controller with an MLI module initiating a data exchange or a control task is defined as
Local Controller. Each data exchange and control task starts with a frame transmission
of the Local Controller. The controller with an MLI module reacting on received data
exchange requests or executing control tasks is defined as Remote Controller. The
terms “Local” and “Remote” are independent of the direction of the information flow
(transmission or reception), except for Read Frames (always transmitted by the Local
Controller) and Answer Frames (always transmitted by the Remote Controller).
Due to the full duplex operation capability of an MLI module (independent transmitter and
receiver), each microcontroller with an MLI module is able to operate as a Local
Controller (e.g. for data transmission) as well as a Remote Controller (e.g. for data
reception) at the same time.
Transmitting and Receiving Controller
The terms “transmitting” and “receiving” controller are referring to the direction of the
information flow. These terms are independent from the terms “Local” and “Remote”. For
example, the initialization of a bi-directional MLI connection between two controllers (or
between a controller and a stand-alone device) is always controlled and initiated by one
controller (named Local), although during this phase, both MLI participants can transmit
and receive frames.
Due to the full duplex operation capability of the MLI module (independent transmitter
and receiver), each microcontroller with an MLI module is able to operate as a
transmitting controller as well as a receiving controller at the same time.
Transfer Window
A Transfer Window is an address space in the address map of the transmitting controller.
Transfer Windows are typically assigned to a fixed address space (base address and