System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
LMB External Bus Unit
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
EBU, V2.0
Asserts the MR/W signal according to the type of access to be performed (low in the
case of a write access, not used in burst read cycles). This level is retained until the
start of the next Address Phase.
At the end of the Address Phase the EBU returns the ADV signal to high.
The length (number of LMBCLK cycles) of the Address Phase is programmed via the
EBU_BUSAPx.ADDRC bit field parameter. Additionally, the length of the Address Phase
selected via ADDRC can be multiplied by the EBU_BUSCONx.CMULT parameter, but
only if bit EBU_BUSCONx.MULTMAP[0] is set (ADDRC multiplier function enabled).
The calculation of the number of LMBCLK cycles in the Address Phase is described in
the following table:
The equivalent control capability is available for bit field EBU_EMUBAP.ADDRC, that
can be multiplied by EBU_EMUBCx.CMULT if bit EBU_EMUBC.MULTMAP[0] is set.
When an access is performed at a burst read cycle, the start of the Address Phase is
always synchronized to a rising edge of the appropriate BFCLK signal (BFCLK0 for
accesses to Type 0 devices and BFCLK1 for accesses to Type 1 devices). This allows
the programming of the EBU to correctly latch the data issued by the Burst Flash.
BFCLKO is used during a burst access to cause a Flash device to output the next
sequential data value.
Number of Address Phase Cycles