Peripheral Units (Vol. 2 of 2)
Micro Link Interface (MLI)
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
MLI, V2.0
Receiving Controller
After a Write Frame has been received correctly and acknowledged, the following
actions are automatically executed in the MLI receiver:
In the case of a Write Offset and Data Frame:
The result of the internal address prediction is not taken into account. The received
offset address is added to the base address of the pipe x Remote Window and the
result is stored in RPxBAR.ADDR. It is also stored in RADDR.ADDR and represents
the destination address in the receiving controller where data should be written to.
In the case of an Optimized Write Frame:
The result of the internal address prediction is taken into account. The next address
in the receiving controller where data should be written to is calculated by adding the
detected receiver address prediction value RPxSTATR.AP to the actual address
stored in RPxBAR.ADDR and the result is stored in RPxBAR.ADDR and in
The received data is written into the receiver data register RDATAR (right aligned,
unused bits are 0).
The detected data width of the received data is written into bit field RCR.DW.
The information about the received frame type (= 10
for a Write Frame) is written
into bit field RCR.TF.
MLI event status flag RISR.NFRI (Normal Frame Received event) is set and an SR
output line is activated if enabled by RIER.NFRIE = 01
or 10
After these actions related to the reception of a Write Frame by the receiving controller,
the data that has been received from the transmitting controller is ready to be written into
the Remote Window related to the receiving pipe.
This write operation can be executed in two ways:
RCR.MOD = 0: Automatic Data Mode is disabled.
In this mode, a bus master of the receiving controller, typically a CPU, is informed by
a Normal Frame received event RISR.NFRI (a service request output is activated if
) to transfer the received write data from the MLI receiver to the
Remote Window. Therefore, it must read the data from RDATAR, together with width
RCR.DW and the address stored in RADRR and write it to the indicated address
RCR.MOD = 1: Automatic Data Mode is enabled.
In this mode, the MLI module automatically writes the received write data to the
Remote Window. This automatic action is controlled by a move engine block in the
MLI receiver. It also sets event status flag RISR.MEI (move engine event when the
access is terminated). A service request output is activated if enabled by
The write operation to the Remote Window is executed only if the write address is
within an enabled access protection range. If the address range is disabled for the
write address, the automatic write action does not take place and event status flag
RISR.MPEI (memory protection error) is set and a service request output is activated