Peripheral Units (Vol. 2 of 2)
General Purpose Timer Array (GPTA)
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
GPTA, V2.0
At the start of the time period (reload of GT0), GTC00 becomes active and waits for the
compare event. At this event, it sets the output signal GTC03OUT, enables GTC01 for
compare operation, and becomes disabled afterwards because it was operating in One
Shot Mode. When the GTC01 compare event occurs, the output signal GTC03OUT is
reset, GTC02 becomes enabled, and GTC01becomes disabled because it was
operating in One Shot Mode. When the GTC02 compare event occurs, the output signal
GTC03OUT is set, GTC03 becomes enabled, and GTC02 becomes disabled because it
was operating in One Shot Mode. When the GTC03 compare event occurs, the output
signal GTC03OUT is reset, and GTC02 becomes disabled because it was operating in
One Shot Mode.
The capture event at GTC03 should generate a service request to indicate that the three
compare events have occurred and that GTC01 can be enabled again (setting EOA and
OSM). Note that all of the compare events are executed by the GPTA hardware without
any software interactions and with a resolution of the GT0 clock rate.