User Guide
Dreamweaver uses the strings that you enclose in parameter markers to label the controls in the dialog box it
generates (see the following procedure). In the previous example, Dreamweaver creates a dialog box with the
following label:
Parameter names in the server behavior code cannot have any spaces. Therefore, the dialog box labels cannot have
any spaces. If you want to include spaces in the label, you can edit the generated HTML file.
Create a dialog box for your server behavior to request the parameter value
In the Server Behavior Builder, click Next.
To change the display order of the dialog box controls, select a parameter and click the up and down arrows.
To change a parameter’s control, select the parameter and selecting another control in the Display As column.
Click OK.
Dreamweaver generates a dialog box with a labeled control for each designer-supplied parameter that you defined.
View the dialog box
Click the Plus (+) button in the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), and select your custom
server behavior from the pop-up menu.
Edit the dialog box you created for the server behavior
In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button, and select Edit Server
Behaviors from the pop-up menu.
Select your server behavior from the list, and click Open.
Click Next.
A dialog box appears listing all the designer-supplied parameters that you defined in your code.
To change the display order of the dialog box controls, select a parameter and click the up and down arrows.
To change a parameter’s control, select the parameter and select another control in the Display As column.
Click OK.
Edit and modify server behaviors
You can edit any server behavior created with the Server Behavior Builder, including server behaviors you download
from the Dreamweaver Exchange website, and other third-party developers.
If you apply a server behavior to a page and then edit the behavior in Dreamweaver, instances of the old behavior no
longer appear in the Server Behaviors panel. The Server Behaviors panel searches the page for code that matches the
code of known server behaviors. If the code of a server behavior changes, the panel does not recognize earlier
versions of the behavior on that page.
September 4, 2007