User Guide
To specify a custom position, you must assign a
to the code block. Use the Custom Position option when you
need to insert more than one code block in a particular order. For example, to insert an ordered series of three code
blocks after the code blocks that open recordsets, you would enter a weight of 60 for the first block, 65 for the second,
and 70 for the third.
By default, Dreamweaver assigns a weight of 50 to all recordset-opening code blocks inserted above the
If the weight of two or more blocks match, Dreamweaver randomly sets the order among the blocks.
See also
“Request a parameter for the server behavior” on page 597
“Coding guidelines” on page 599
“About custom server behaviors” on page 589
“Creating code blocks” on page 592
“Testing server behaviors” on page 600
Position a code block (general instructions)
Using the Server Behavior Builder, write a code block.
In the Server Behavior Builder dialog box, select a position in which to insert the code block from the Insert Code
pop-up menu.
In the Server Behavior Builder dialog box, select a position relative to that which you selected in the Insert Code
pop-up menu.
If you complete the authoring of the code block, click OK.
Insert Code options
Relative position options
Above the <html> Tag
At the beginning of the file
Just before the recordsets
Just after the recordsets
Just above the
Custom position
Below the </html> Tag
Before the end of the file
Before the recordset close
After the recordset close
After the
Custom position
Relative to a Specific Tag
Select a tag from the Tag pop-up menu, and then choose from the tag
positioning options.
Relative to the Selection
Before the selection
After the selection
Replace the selection
Wrap the selection
September 4, 2007