User Guide
If you want to write a template expression to control the display of an optional region, click the Advanced tab,
select Enter Expression, then enter the expression in the box.
Dreamweaver inserts double-quotation marks around the text you enter.
Click OK.
When you use the Optional Region template object, Dreamweaver inserts template comments in the code. A
template parameter is defined in the
section, as in the following example:
<!-- TemplateParam name="departmentImage" type="boolean" value="true" -->
At the location where the optional region is inserted, code similar to the code below appears:
<!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="departmentImage" -->
<p><img src="/images/airfare_on.gif" width="85" height="22"> </p>
<!-- TemplateEndIf -->
You can access and edit template parameters in the template-based document.
See also
“Modify template properties” on page 415
“Template expressions” on page 390
Defining editable tag attributes
Specify editable tag attributes in a template
You can allow a template user to modify specified tag attributes in a document created from a template.
For example, you can set a background color in the template document, yet enable template users to set a different
background color for pages they create. Users can update only the attributes you specify as editable.
You can also set multiple editable attributes in a page so that template users can modify the attributes in template-
based documents. The following data types are supported: text, Boolean (
), color, and URL.
Creating an editable tag attribute inserts a template parameter in the code. An initial value for the attribute is set in
the template document; when a template-based document is created, it inherits the parameter. A template user can
then edit the parameter in the template-based document.
If you make the link to a style sheet an editable attribute, then the attributes of the style sheet are no longer
available for either viewing or editing in the template file.
In the Document window, select an item you want to set an editable tag attribute for.
Select Modify > Templates > Make Attribute Editable.
In the Attribute box, enter a name or select an attribute in the Editable Tag Attributes dialog box by doing one of
the following:
If the attribute you want to make editable is listed in the Attribute pop-up menu, select it.
If the attribute you want to make editable isn’t listed in the Attribute pop-up menu, click Add, and in the dialog
box that opens, enter the name of the attribute you want to add, then click OK.
Make sure the Make Attribute Editable option is selected.
September 4, 2007