Control of Special Multiplexed Options
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
I/O Multiplexing and Control Module (IOMM)
6.5.13 Temperature Sensor Selection
There are three instances of temperature sensors in this microcontroller. The measured temperatures are
analog signals. These analog signals are connected to the on-chip ADCs for conversion. Before the
temperature sensors can be used, they must be enabled. By default, they are disabled with
PINMMR174[24] = 1. To enable the temperature sensors, PINMMR174[24] must be cleared to 0.
Temperature sensor 1's output is multiplexed with AD1IN[31].
Temperature sensor 2's output is multiplexed with AD2IN[31].
Temperature sensor 3's output is multiplexed with AD2IN[30].
To use AD1IN[31], PINMMR174[24] must be cleared to 0.
AD1CHNSEL is configured inside the MibADC1 Wrapper. AD2CHNSEL is configured inside the MibADC2 Wrapper.
Table 6-11. Temperature Sensor Selection
AD1CHNSEL(31) = 1
PINMMR173(16) = 0
PinMMR173(17) = 1
Temp Sensor 1
AD1CHNSEL(31) = 1
PINMMR173(16) =1
PinMMR173(17) = 0
AD2CHNSEL(31) = 1
PINMMR173(24) =0
PINMMR173(25) = 1
Temp Sensor 2
AD2CHNSEL(31) = 1
PINMMR173(24) =1
PINMMR173(25) = 0
AD2CHNSEL(30) = 1
PINMMR174(0) =0
PINMMR174(1) = 1
Temp Sensor 3
AD2CHNSEL(30) = 1
PINMMR174(0) =1
PINMMR174(1) = 0