SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
General-Purpose Input/Output (GIO) Module
25.1 Overview
The GIO module offers general-purpose input and output capability. It supports up to eight 8-bit ports for a
total of up to 64 GIO terminals. Each of these 64 terminals can be independently configured as input or
output and configured as required by the application. The GIO module also supports generation of
interrupts whenever a rising edge or falling edge or any toggle is detected on up to 32 of these GIO
terminals. Refer to the device datasheet for identifying the number of GIO ports supported and the GIO
terminals capable of generating an interrupt.
The main features of the GIO module are summarized as follows:
Allows each GIO terminal to be configured for general-purpose input or output functions
Supports programmable pull directions on each input GIO terminal
Supports GIO output in push/pull or open-drain modes
Allows up to 32 GIO terminals to be used for generating interrupt requests