Power On, Power Off Considerations
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
F021 Level 2 Flash Module Controller (L2FMC)
Power On, Power Off Considerations
7.6.1 Error Checking at Power On
As the device is coming out of the device reset sequence, the Flash wrapper reads a configuration word
from the TI OTP section of bank 0. These are known as Implicit Reads. This is also readable from a bus
master at address F008 0140h. During these reads ECC is enabled. Single-bit errors are corrected and
uncorrectable errors will generate an error event. Accordingly, the IMPLICIT_COR_ERR or the
IMPLICIT_UNC_ERR bits in the FEDAC_GBLSTATUS register (offset = 1Ch) will get set. Refer to the
data manual to find the ESM group and channel number on which it is triggered.
7.6.2 Flash Integrity at Power Off
If power is lost during a programming or erase operation, a power-on reset must be asserted before the
core supply voltage drops below specification. The PORRST pin has a glitch filter that means that the
PORRST pin must be asserted low t
(2 µs) before the core supply drops below Vcc
(1.14V). If
this requirement is met, then the bits being programmed when PORRST goes low are indeterminate;
however, the other bits in the Flash are not disturbed. Likewise, if this requirement is met, and PORRST is
asserted while erasing, the sector or sectors being erased will have indeterminate bits; however, the other
sectors in the same bank and the other banks will not be disturbed.
Emulation and SIL3 Diagnostic Modes
7.7.1 System Emulation
During emulation when the SUSPEND signal is high, address tag and command parity error events are
not generated.
7.7.2 Diagnostic Mode
The Flash wrapper can be put in diagnostic mode to verify various logic. There are multiple diagnostic
modes supported by the wrapper. A specific diagnostic mode is selected via the DIAGMODE control bits
in the diagnostic control register (FDIAGCTRL), as listed in
The diagnostic mode is only enabled by a 4-bit key stored in the DIAG_EN_KEY bits in FDIAGCTRL
register. Only DIAG_EN_KEY = 5h enables any diagnostic mode and all diagnostic modes use the
DIAG_TRIG bit in FDIAGCTRL register to initiate the action.
For all modes it is best to follow this sequence:
1. Write 5h to the DIAG_EN_KEY bits and set the desired DIAGMODE control bits.
2. Set any data registers needed for this mode.
3. Write a 1 to the DIAG_TRIG bit to initiate the action and allow an error to happen.
4. Write a Ah to the DIAG_EN_KEY bits to disable the diagnostic modes.
Table 7-9. DIAGMODE Encoding
Diagnostic mode is disabled. Same as DIAG_EN_KEY not equal to 5h.
Address Tag Register test mode
ECC Data Correction Diagnostic test mode
Other Combinations