Instruction Set
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
High-End Timer (N2HET) Module
If (SHIFT condition == 0X)
OR (SHIFT condition == 10 AND HET[0] rising edge)
OR (SHIFT condition == 11 AND HET[0] falling edge)
If ([P3:P2] == 00)
If ((Immediate Data Field == all 0’s AND [P3:P0] == 000X)
OR (Immediate Data Field == all 1’s AND [P3:P0] == 001X))
Z = 1;
Z = 0;
else If ([P3:P0] == 1010)
Z = LSB of the Immediate Data Field;
else if ([P3:P0] == 1011)
Z = MSB of the Immediate Data Field;
If( (Immediate Data Field == all 0’s) OR
(Immediate Data Field == all 1’s))
if (Interrupt Enable == 1)
HETFLG[n] = 1;
/* n depends on address */
Jump to Conditional Address;
Jump to Next Program Address;
Prv. bit = HET[0] Pin level; (Always executed)
Shift Immediate Data Field once according to P[3:0];
Immediate Data Field = Result of the shift;
Selected register = Result of the shift;
Jump to Next Program Address;
The immediate data field evaluates all 0s or all 1s and is performed before the shift
The specific interrupt flag that is triggered depends on the address from which the instruction is executed,