Static segment
Communication cycle x
cycle x-1
cycle x+1
Time base
derived trigger
Time base
derived trigger
Static segment
Dynamic segment
Module Operation
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
FlexRay Module
26.2.2 Communication Cycle
A communication cycle in FlexRay (
) consists of the following elements:
Static segment
Dynamic segment
Symbol window
Network idle time (NIT)
Static segment, dynamic segment, and symbol window form the network communication time (NCT). For
each communication channel the slot counter starts at 1 and counts up until the end of the dynamic
segment is reached. Both channels share the same arbitration grid which means that they use the same
synchronized macrotick.
Figure 26-10. Structure of Communication Cycle Static Segment
The Static Segment is characterized by the following features:
Time slots of fixed length (optionally protected by bus guardian)
Start of frame transmission at action point of the corresponding static slot
Payload length same for all frames on both channels
number of static slots GTUC7.NSS(9-0), static slot length GTUC7.SSL(9-0), Payload Length
Static MHDC.SFDL(6-0), action point offset GTUC9.APO(5-0) Dynamic Segment
The Dynamic Segment is characterized by the following features:
All controllers have bus access (no bus guardian protection possible)
Variable payload length and duration of slots, different for both channels
Start of transmission at minislot action point
number of minislots GTUC8.NMS(12-0), minislot length GTUC8.MSL(5-0), minislot action
point offset GTUC9.MAPO(4-0), start of latest transmit (last minislot) MHDC.SLT(12-0) Symbol Window
During the symbol window only one media access test symbol (MTS) may be transmitted per channel.
MTS symbols are sent in NORMAL_ACTIVE state to test the bus guardian.
The symbol window is characterized by the following features:
Send single symbol
Transmission of the MTS symbol starts at the symbol windows action point