PINMMR160[16] = 1 and
PINMMR86[8 ]= 1 and PINMMR86[9] = 0
PINMMR179[0 ]= 1 and
PINMMR179[1] = 0
PINMMR160[17] = 0
To MibSPI3
To MibADC2
Control of Special Multiplexed Options
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
I/O Multiplexing and Control Module (IOMM)
The PIN_nDISABLE signal for the N2HET2 module can also come from two different paths at either the
MIBSPI3NCS[0] / AD2EVT / eQEP1I / GIOB[2] / N2HET2_NDIS terminal or the N2HET2[02] / GIOB[2] /
N2HET2_NDIS terminal. By default with PINMMR179[0]=1 and PINMMR179[1]=0, the MIBSPI3NCS[0] /
AD2EVT / eQEP1I /GIOB[2] / N2HET2_NDIS terminal is selected as the input for signaling the fault
condition. Setting PINMMR179[0]=0 and PINMMR179[1]=1 will select the N2HET2[02] / GIOB[2] /
N2HET2_NDIS terminal for signaling the fault condition. By default with PINMMR160[16]=1 and
PINMMR160[17]=0, these signals do not offer the capability of generating an interrupt to the GIO module
when they are driven low. Therefore, the input from this terminal can optionally be connected to the
GIOB[2] input. This connection is enabled by setting PINMMR160[0]=0 and PINMMR160[1]=1.
Note that the GIO module has four sources from which to choose the GIOB[2] signal. By default with
PINMMR86[8]=1 and PINMMR86[9]=0, the GIOB[2] / DCAN4TX terminal is selected that is defined in
, see register at address FFFF_1E68h. By setting PINMMR86[8]=0 and PINMMR86[9]=1, the
terminal shared by FRAYTXEN2 and GIOB[2] is selected. When either one of these two terminals is
selected, it is not possible to use GIO module to cause an interrupt to the CPU when a fault condition is
detected. To cause an interrupt to the GIO using GIOB[2] or N2HET2_NDIS signal, the PINMMR160[16]
must be clear and PINMMR160[17] must be set while either MibSPI3NCS[0] / AD2EVT /GIOB[2] terminal
or the N2HET2[02] / N2HET2_NDIS terminal is connected to the external monitor circuit.
illustrates the multiplexing scheme.
Figure 6-6. GIOB[2] and N2HET2_NDIS Input Multiplexing Scheme
The default settings will choose MIBSPI3NCS[0] / AD2EVT / GIOB[2] terminal for signaling
the fault condition to the N2HET2 and this will be compatible to other TMS570LSxx family of
microcontrollers which have this available feature.