SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
List of Figures
Capture Sequence for Absolute Time-stamp and Rising Edge Detect
33-10. Capture Sequence for Absolute Time-stamp With Rising and Falling Edge Detect
33-11. Capture Sequence for Delta Mode Time-stamp and Rising Edge Detect
33-12. Capture Sequence for Delta Mode Time-stamp With Rising and Falling Edge Detect
33-13. PWM Waveform Details of APWM Mode Operation
33-14. Time-Stamp Counter Register (TSCTR) [offset = 00h]
33-15. Counter Phase Control Register (CTRPHS) [offset = 04h]
33-16. Capture-1 Register (CAP1) [offset = 08h]
33-17. Capture-2 Register (CAP2) [offset = 0Ch]
33-18. Capture-3 Register (CAP3) [offset = 10h]
33-19. Capture-4 Register (CAP4) [offset = 14h]
33-20. ECAP Control Register 2 (ECCTL2) [offset = 28h]
33-21. ECAP Control Register 1 (ECCTL1) [offset = 2Ah]
33-22. ECAP Interrupt Flag Register (ECFLG) [offset = 2Ch]
33-23. ECAP Interrupt Enable Register (ECEINT) [offset = 2Eh]
33-24. ECAP Interrupt Forcing Register (ECFRC) [offset = 30h]
33-25. ECAP Interrupt Clear Register (ECCLR) [offset = 32h]
Optical Encoder Disk
QEP Encoder Output Signal for Forward/Reverse Movement
Index Pulse Example
Functional Block Diagram of the eQEP Peripheral
Functional Block Diagram of Decoder Unit
Quadrature Decoder State Machine
Quadrature-clock and Direction Decoding
Position Counter Reset by Index Pulse for 1000 Line Encoder (QPOSMAX = 3999 or F9Fh)
Position Counter Underflow/Overflow (QPOSMAX = 4)
34-10. Software Index Marker for 1000-line Encoder (QEPCTL[IEL] = 1)
34-11. Strobe Event Latch (QEPCTL[SEL] = 1)
34-12. eQEP Position-compare Unit
34-13. eQEP Position-compare Event Generation Points
34-14. eQEP Position-compare Sync Output Pulse Stretcher
34-15. eQEP Edge Capture Unit
34-16. Unit Position Event for Low Speed Measurement (QCAPCTL[UPPS] = 0010)
34-17. eQEP Edge Capture Unit - Timing Details
34-18. eQEP Watchdog Timer
34-19. eQEP Unit Time Base
34-20. EQEP Interrupt Generation
34-21. eQEP Position Counter Register (QPOSCNT) [offset = 00h]
34-22. eQEP Position Counter Initialization Register (QPOSINIT) [offset = 04h]
34-23. eQEP Maximum Position Count Register (QPOSMAX) [offset = 08h]
34-24. eQEP Position-Compare Register (QPOSCMP) [offset = 0Ch]
34-25. eQEP Index Position Latch Register (QPOSILAT) [offset = 10h]
34-26. eQEP Strobe Position Latch Register (QPOSSLAT) [offset = 14h]
34-27. eQEP Position Counter Latch Register (QPOSLAT) [offset = 18h]
34-28. eQEP Unit Timer Register (QUTMR) [offset = 1Ch]
34-29. eQEP Unit Period Register (QUPRD) [offset = 20h]
34-30. eQEP Watchdog Period Register (QWDPRD) [offset = 24h]
34-31. eQEP Watchdog Timer Register (QWDTMR) [offset = 26h]
34-32. eQEP Control Register (QEPCTL) [offset = 28h]