SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Serial Communication Interface (SCI) Module
30.1 Introduction
The SCI module is a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter that implements the standard nonreturn
to zero format. The SCI can be used to communicate, for example, through an RS-232 port or over a K-
30.1.1 SCI Features
The following are the features of the SCI module:
Standard universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) communication
Supports full- or half-duplex operation
Standard nonreturn to zero (NRZ) format
Double-buffered receive and transmit functions
Supports two individually enabled interrupt lines: level 0 and level 1
Configurable frame format of 3 to 13 bits per character based on the following:
Data word length programmable from one to eight bits
Additional address bit in address-bit mode
Parity programmable for zero or one parity bit, odd or even parity
Stop programmable for one or two stop bits
Asynchronous or isosynchronous communication modes with no CLK pin
Two multiprocessor communication formats allow communication between more than two devices
Sleep mode is available to free CPU resources during multiprocessor communication and then wake
up to receive an incoming message
The 24-bit programmable baud rate supports 2
different baud rates provide high accuracy baud rate
Capability to use Direct Memory Access (DMA) for transmit and receive data
Four error flags and Five status flags provide detailed information regarding SCI events
Two external pins: SCIRX and SCITX
SCI module does not support UART Hardware Flow Control. This feature can be
implemented in Software using a General Purpose I/O pin.
30.1.2 Block Diagram
Three Major components of the SCI Module are:
Baud Clock Generator
(TX) contains two major registers to perform double buffering:
The transmitter data buffer register (SCITD) contains data loaded by the CPU to be transferred to the
shift register for transmission.
The transmitter shift register (SCITXSHF) loads data from the data buffer (SCITD) and shifts data onto
the SCITX pin, one bit at a time.
Baud Clock Generator
A programmable baud generator produces a baud clock scaled from VCLK.
(RX) contains two major registers to perform double buffering:
The receiver shift register (SCIRXSHF) shifts data in from the SCIRX pin one bit at a time and
transfers completed data into the receive data buffer.
The receiver data buffer register (SCIRD) contains received data transferred from the receiver shift