1 & 5 RTS
Part Numbers:
1870571 Situo 1 RTS Pure
1870575 Situo 5 RTS Pure
1870572 Situo 1 RTS Iron
1870576 Situo 5 RTS Iron
1870573 Situo 1 RTS Natural
1870577 Situo 5 RTS Natural
1870574 Situo 1 RTS Arctic
1870578 Situo 5 RTS Arctic
The Situo 1 RTS remote control allows a group of one or more
window coverings to be controlled. The Situo 5 RTS remote
control allows up to 5 groups of one or more window coverings
to be controlled.
A. Wall mounting recess
B. Up/On/Open/Tilt
C. STOP/”my” button
D. Down/Off/Close/Tilt
E. Channel indicator light
Situo 1 RTS
Situo 5 RTS
A. Wall mounting recess
B. Up/On/Open/Tilt
C. STOP/”my” button
D. Down/Off/Close/Tilt
E. Channel indicator lights
F. Channel selector
button on back
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