SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Real-Time Interrupt (RTI) Module
17.1 Overview
The real-time interrupt (RTI) module provides timer functionality for operating systems and for
benchmarking code. The RTI module can incorporate several counters that define the timebases needed
for scheduling in the operating system.
The timers also allow you to benchmark certain areas of code by reading the values of the counters at the
beginning and the end of the desired code range and calculating the difference between the values.
In addition the RTI provides a mechanism to synchronize the operating system to the FlexRay
communication cycle. Clock supervision allows for detection of issues on the FlexRay bus with an
automatic switch to an internally generated timebase when a failure with the FlexRay timebase is
17.1.1 Features
The RTI module has the following features:
Two independent 64 bit counter blocks
Four configurable compares for generating operating system ticks or DMA requests. Each event can
be driven by either counter block 0 or counter block 1.
One counter block usable for application synchronization to FlexRay network including clock
Fast enabling/disabling of events
Two time stamp (capture) functions for system or peripheral interrupts, one for each counter block
Digital windowed watchdog
17.1.2 Industry Standard Compliance Statement
This module is specifically designed to fulfill the requirements for OSEK (
ysteme und deren
chnittstellen für die
lektronik im
raftfahrzeug, or Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for
Automotive Electronics) as well as OSEK/time-compliant operating systems, but is not limited to it.