ePWM Submodules
SPNU563A – March 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM) Module
Example 35-7. Trip-Zone Configurations
Scenario A:
A one-shot trip event on TZ1 pulls both EPWM1A, EPWM1B low and also forces EPWM2A and EPWM2B
Configure the ePWM1 registers as follows:
TZSEL[OSHT1] = 1: enables TZ1 as a one-shot event source for ePWM1
TZCTL[TZA] = 2: EPWM1A will be forced low on a trip event.
TZCTL[TZB] = 2: EPWM1B will be forced low on a trip event.
Configure the ePWM2 registers as follows:
TZSEL[OSHT1] = 1: enables TZ1 as a one-shot event source for ePWM2
TZCTL[TZA] = 1: EPWM2A will be forced high on a trip event.
TZCTL[TZB] = 1: EPWM2B will be forced high on a trip event.
Scenario B:
A cycle-by-cycle event on TZ5 pulls both EPWM1A, EPWM1B low.
A one-shot event on TZ1 or TZ6 puts EPWM2A into a high impedance state.
Configure the ePWM1 registers as follows:
TZSEL[CBC5] = 1: enables TZ5 as a one-shot event source for ePWM1
TZCTL[TZA] = 2: EPWM1A will be forced low on a trip event.
TZCTL[TZB] = 2: EPWM1B will be forced low on a trip event.
Configure the ePWM2 registers as follows:
TZSEL[OSHT1] = 1: enables TZ1 as a one-shot event source for ePWM2
TZSEL[OSHT6] = 1: enables TZ6 as a one-shot event source for ePWM2
TZCTL[TZA] = 0: EPWM2A will be put into a high-impedance state on a trip event.
TZCTL[TZB] = 3: EPWM2B will ignore the trip event.