Chapter 18
C Bus (IIC)
Preliminary User’s Manual U17566EE1V2UM00
Communication direction flag
This flag indicates the direction of communication and is the same as the value
of IICSn.TRCn bit.
The following shows the operation of the main processing block during slave
Start I
C0n and wait for the communication enabled status. When
communication is enabled, perform transfer using the communication mode
flag and ready flag (the processing of the stop condition and start condition is
performed by interrupts, conditions are confirmed by flags).
For transmission, repeat the transmission operation until the master device
stops returning ACK signal. When the master device stops returning ACK
signal, transfer is complete.
For reception, receive the required number of data and do not return ACK
signal for the next data immediately after transfer is complete. After that, the
master device generates the stop condition or restart condition. This causes
exit from communications.
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