Example of use
Base and rover must both be equipped with radios using the same fre-
quency range and the same data format.
The base radio continuously sends out real-time data until the instrument
is turned off, the settings are changed or the radio is detached.
The rover radio continuously receives real-time data until the instrument is
turned off, the settings are changed or the radio is detached.
Several rovers can receive data from the same base at the same time.
Several base radios can transmit real-time data simultaneously using dif-
ferent radio channels. Changing to a different radio channel on the rover
changes the base from which real-time data is received.
Some radios are predefined.
Other radios can be used. Their settings must be defined by creating a new
radio configuration. Refer to "20.3 Creating/Editing a Device". These radios
must be connected with a cable.
Base and rover can both be equipped with a digital cellular phone and a radio.
On the base, they operate simultaneously. On the rover, use the radio when
within radio range of the base and the digital cellular phone when radio recep-
tion is not possible.
The internal devices of the GS14/GS16 cannot be used simultaneously.
Radios for Remote Control
To remote control the TS.
To transmit data between a TS and computer.
The default radios used with TS for remote control are the internal radio,
the RadioHandle and the external radios TCPS. Set the TS to the correct
communication mode to send and receive data and commands using the
A Communication side cover must be fitted to the TS when operating with
the RadioHandle.
Other radios than the default radios can be used. Their settings must be
defined by creating a new radio configuration. Refer to "20.3 Creating/Editing
a Device". These radios must be connected with a cable. Refer to "D Cables"
for information on cables.
Standard RS232 is supported by default. The settings are:
Baud rate:
Stop bits:
Flow control:
Data bits:
USB is supported on the MS60/TS60. The USB interface on port 1 can be used
Supported radios
Typical uses
Supported radios
User defined radios
Standard RS232
Configuration of Devices