In order to receive real-time corrections, the Ntrip Client must first send
a user ID
a password
an identification name, the so-called Mountpoint, from which real-time
corrections are to be received
to the Ntrip Caster.
The Ntrip Server transfers data streams.
In order to send real-time corrections, the Ntrip Server must first send
a password
an identification name, the so-called Mountpoint, where the real-time cor-
rections come from
to the Ntrip Caster.
Before sending real-time corrections to the Ntrip Caster for the first time, a
registration form must be completed. This form is available from the Ntrip Cas-
ter administration centre. Refer to the website of the Ntrip Caster administra-
tion centre.
The Ntrip Source generates data streams. This setup could be base sending out
real-time corrections.
Ntrip consists of three system components:
Ntrip Clients
Ntrip Servers
Ntrip Caster
Parabolic vertical curve with constant rate of grade change.
Ntrip Server
Ntrip Source
Ntrip system compo-