Profile view
A 2D view representing a cut or intersection with 1D, 2D or
3D data.
Example: A long section of a road, with the height axis point-
ing upwards, and the axis pointing to the right representing
the distance along the road.
Example: A cross section of a road at a defined distance
along the road, with the height axis pointing upwards and
the axis pointing to the right representing the distance from
the centreline.
A profile view can be panned and zoomed.
Vertical exaggerations can be adjusted in some profile views.
Stake view
A graphical view with instructions to aid staking out points
and lines. Available in Stake apps.
The data displayed is defined by:
the app
filters set
settings made for 3D viewer
the coordinates. Position only (2D) data is automatically reduced to zero
height. Height only (1D) data is not displayed.
The way the data look depends on the state.
This is the standard state for data.
Displayable data
3D viewer