Line segment
A line segment is an individual component of
a multi-line such as a polyline or an align-
ment. The segment can be a straight or an
Create line data by one of the following methods:
Create lines onboard
The Measure to line/Stake to line app supports DBX polylines. DBX
areas can be also used as closed polylines.
Data management
Refer to "7 Job Menu - View & edit data".
Create Control Data
Lines can be created using the Create line
function. Refer to "Create new line/arc".
3D viewer
From 3D viewer, lines can be created, impor-
ted or selected to be used in Measure to
line/Stake to line. Refer to "35.6 Context
Survey linework
Lines can be created by measuring points in
the field. Lines can be made using the line-
work commands.
Road data in Alignment Edi-
Using the Alignment Editor app, a simple
centreline alignment can be created and be
Only straight and curve elements
are supported. The alignment cre-
ated with the Alignment Editor app
must be converted to a Roads Job.
Import lines
Import an individual line from
DXF background map
Using a DXF file attached as a background
map, lines can be selected and imported
within 3D viewer, Measure or Measure to
line/Stake to line apps.
Import all objects including
lines from DXF
Copy the DXF files to the \DATA directory on
the data storage device of the instrument.
Once the card is back in the instrument the
DXF import program can be used to bring the
lines into the job.
Import from XML
Copy the DXF files to the \DATA directory on
the data storage device of the instrument.
Once the card is back in the instrument the
XML import program can be used to bring the
lines into the job.
Import Road alignments
Import data
supports various
different formats like dxf, LandXml, MxGenio,
Terramodel, Carlson.
Create lines externally
Preparing the data
Measure to line/Stake to line