Be sure snap ring is well seated and securely
locked in groove.
N O T E : E n d p la y on 4 th sp eed g e a r (1 1 ) m u st
b e from 0 . 0 0 4 " to 0 .0 1 0 . T he 4th sp e e d g e a r
re ta in in g w a s h e rs are a v a ila b le in sizes listed in
"S p e c ific a tio n s " at e n d of this section.
10. Remove assem bly from vi?e and ins all 4th and 5th
speed synchronizer assembly (8) on m ainshaft (43)
with large end of hub tow ard the rear.
11. Install 1st and reverse gear (42) on m ainshaft (43)
with fork slot tow ard front.
b. Holding snap ring (17) parallel to retaining
washer (18), slip snap ring into snap ring groove
in m ainshaft (43).
c. Select variable thickness 2nd speed gear retaining
washers (18) until a washer is selected that will
assure a tight stack-up through the assembly.
d. Rem ove selected retaining washer (18) and install
2nd speed gear (51) over bushing sleeve (49).
e. Place selected retaining washer (18) in position
on shaft and install snap ring (17) so it is lock
ed securely in the groove.
N O T E : End p la y on 2 n d sp eed g e a r (5 1 ) m u st
be from 0 . 0 0 4 " to 0 .0 1 0 ". 2 n d sp e e d g e a r re
t a in in g w a s h e rs (1 8 ) are a v a ila b le in th ickn ess
es listed in "S p e c ific a tio n s " at en d of this sec
5. Place 2nd and 3rd speed synchronizer assembly (16),
large end of hub tow ard rear, on splines of m ainshaft
(43) and drip into position. Install 3rd speed gear lo
cating thrust washer (15) on m ainshaft (43).
6. Position 3rd speed gear and bushing assembly (14)
over m ainshaft (43) with toothed hub down and drop
into place.
7. Position 4th speed gear locating washer (13) on m ain
N O T E : W h e n a s s e m b lin g 4th sp e e d g e a r b u s h
in g sleeve a n d l^ck pin a s se m b ly in step 8 fo l
lo w in g , m a k e certain sleeve lock pin is centered
in a sp lin e o f m a in s h a ft before pre ssin g sleeve
into place. Failure to d o this m a y sh e a r h e a d of
lock pin a n d cause b u sh in g seizure (fig . 14).
8. W ith lock pin in place in 4th speed gear bushing
sleeve (12), install bushing sleeve on m ainshaft (43)
with lock pin (7) tow ard pilot or front end of m ain
shaft (43). It m ay be necessary to use a suitable sleeve
and ham m er to properly install sleeve (12).
9. T o insure a proper tight stack-up between the 4th
speed gear locating washer (13), 4th speed gear bush
ing sleeve (12), 4th speed gear selective retainer w ash
er (10), and snap ring (9), the following procedures
m ust be accomplished:
a. Before the 4th speed gear (11) is installed on
bushing sleeve (12), place retaining washer (10)
on m ainshaft (43) and hold down securely a-
gainst bushing sleeve (12).
b. While holding snap ring (9) parallel to the re
taining washer, slip snap ring into snap ring
groove in m ainshaft (43). Select variable thick
ness retaining washers (10), until a washer is
selected that will assure a tight stack-up through
the assem bly (fig. 15).
c. Rem ove selected washer (10) and install 4th
speed gear and bushing assem bly (11) over
bushing sleeve (12).
d. Place selected washer (10) in position; then in
stall snap ring (9) into groove of m ainshaft (43).
N O T E : Figure 9 s h o w s e arly ty p e a n d F igure 10
s h o w s late type shift b a r h o u s in g properly a s
sem bled.
1. Position shift bar housing (33) on bench upside-down
with W elch plug openings tow ard repairm an.
2. Install 1st and reverse rocker arm (40) on pivot pin
(39), then insert pin through housing from inside. S e
cure pin with washer (34) and nut (35).
3. Assem ble 1st and reverse shift rod (19), shift lug (45),
and rocker lug (41) in housing as follows:
a. Install plunger spring (46) and plunger (47) in
1st and reverse shift lug (45) and secure with
adjusting nut (44). Adjust plunger so rounded end
is flush or slightly below flat ends of lug. Secure
adjustm ent with cotter pin (fig. 16).
b. S tarting at left side of shift bar housing (33),
push 1st and reverse shift rod (19) through
opening in housing and through front support
boss and while holding 1st and reverse rocker
lug (41) in position, continue pushing shift rod
through rocker lug.
c. Position lugs (45 and 41) on rod (19) so lock
screw holes in lugs align with screw holes in rod,
then install lock screws (21) in lugs, tighten
screws firmly, and secure with new lock wire.
d. M ove 1st and reverse shift rod (19) into “ N e u
tral” position.
4. Install 4th and 5th shift rod (23) and 4th and 5th shift
shift fork (28) in housing (33) as follows:
a. Install two interlock balls (20) in crossbore in rear
support boss between 1st and reverse and 4th
and 5th shift rod holes.
b. Place poppet spring (27), inner poppet spring, and
poppet ball (26) in well in center opening in rear
support boss.
c. Insert shift rod installer tool (J-8633) tapered end
first through forward side of center opening in
rear support boss. Push tool part way through
support boss to compress poppet spring.
d. Start 4th and 5th shift rod (23) in housing (33)
with interlock pin hole tow ard rear. Push rod
through front support boss, place 4th and 5th shift
fork (28) on shift rod with hub tow ard rear, and
install interlock cross pin (22) in hole in shift rod.
Summary of Contents for 70 1969 Series
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