and axle center is taken up. Check clearance be
tween top of axle center and knuckle upper yoke.
If clearance exceeds 0.005", place a shim between
axle center and knuckle upper yoke.
6. Install king pin, with milled slot in side of
pin registering with draw key hole in axle center.
Install king pin from top, inserting through steer
ing knuckle yoke, shim, thrust bearing and axle
center end. Press pin down until milled slot in pin
lines up with draw key hole.
7. Insert draw key into axle center, register
ing with king pin, then install lock washer and nut.
Tighten nut firmly. If nut bottoms on knuckle be
fore king pin is secure, replace draw key or use
a draw key with more taper.
8. Install new gaskets, then install upper and
lower king pin bearing caps with cap screws. Tight
en cap screws to torque listed in "Specifications."
9. Lubricate king pins thoroughly through lu
brication fittings as directed in L U B R IC A T ION
(SEC. 0) of this manual. Try action of steering
knuckle for binding condition.
10. Install steering arms to knuckles. Install
tie-rod as directed in S T E E R IN G S Y S T E M (SEC.
9) of this manual. Install brake backing plate as
sembly. Install hubs and bearings and wheels as
directed in " F R O N T HUBS A N D B E A R IN G S" (SEC.
11. Check front end alignment and stop screw
adjustment as previously directed.
F I20, FI 50, AN D F I60 AXLES)
N O T E : Key numbers in following text refer to
figure 3.
The steering knuckles are supported on solid
king pins which are tapered at center section to
fit snugly in tapered holes in axle center outer
ends. A steel sleeve bushing (2) is mounted be
tween the knuckle upper Delrin bushing (1) and the
king pin to maintain the same size bearing at top
and bottom. Bushings are split Delrin and are of
floating type.
Bushings are held in place at upper end by the
king pin nut and spacer (6). Vertical thrust is taken
by a roller-type thrust bearing (11). Thrust move
ment is held to a minimum by the use of spacing
washers (7) between upper knuckle yoke and axle
center end. Upper end of knuckle pins are sealed
with dust caps and gaskets, retained in place with
screws. Lower end of knuckle on F-090, F-110 and
F-120 axles (inset, fig. 3), are sealed with an in
verted expansion plug held in place with a lock
ring. On F-150 and F-160 axles a retaining ring
is installed on lower end of king pin (fig. 3) to re
tain king pin bushing. Right and left steering arms
are keyed to knuckles, and retained in place with
nuts and cotter pins.
S T E E R IN G K N U C K L E R E M O V A L (Fig. 3)
If desired, steering knuckles may be removed
from front axle without removing front axle as
sembly from the vehicle. To remove steering
knuckles from the axle either with or without re
moving the front axle assembly from vehicle, pro
ceed as follows:
1. Remove hubs, bearings, and brake mechan
ism. Disconnect tie rod and drag link from arms.
2. Remove cap screws which attach dust cap
and gasket to knuckle.
3. On F-090, F-110, and F-120 axles (inset,
fig. 3), remove the lower expansion plug lock ring
and plug. On F-150 and F-160 axles (fig. 3), a king
pin bushing retaining ring is located at lower end
of king pin. The purpose of this ring is to keep
steering knuckle lower bushing in place. Do not
remove ring unless ring is broken or damaged.
4. Remove cotter pin, king pin nut, and steel
spacer (6). Using suitable brass drift, drive the
king pin downward out of axle and knuckle. Remove
knuckle, thrust bearing (11), and spacing washer
(7) from axle. Sleeve bushing (2) can now be re
S T E E R IN G K N U C K L E IN S T A L L A T IO N (Fig. 3)
The importance of cleanliness when assem
bling steering knuckle parts cannot be overstress
ed. If king pins and bushings are installed with
particles of dirt or metal between bearing sur
faces, excessive wear will result, necessitating
premature replacement of parts.
1. Refer to "Inspection and Repair" for in
spection and repair procedures.
2. Position knuckle to axle center; then slide
thrust bearing assembly between lower face of axle
center and steering knuckle lower yoke. Make cer
tain the retainer is on top of bearing with lip of
retainer down. Align king pin holes in knuckle yoke
with king pin hole in axle center.
3. With axle center held rigidly, place a jack
under knuckle yoke, then raise knuckle sufficiently
to take up all clearance between lower yoke, thrust
bearing, and lower face of axle center end.
4. Check clearance between top face of axle
center end and face of knuckle yoke. Select shims
or spacing washer (7) of correct size to provide
thrust clearance listed in "Specifications" at end
of this section. These are available in different
5. Make certain king pin hole in axle center,
king pin, and nut are clean and dry. King pin nut
should thread on king pin freely without bind.
6. Insert king pin through bottom yoke of
knuckle; then drive pin into place with lead hammer.
Place king pin sleeve bushing (2) over king pin,
then press into place. Be sure sleeve bushing is
installed squarely over pin. Install steel spacer (6)
on top of bushing.
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