GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Add / Insert / Delete / Delete All
The first four buttons below the segment list extend or shorten the list. The analyzer
places no restriction on the number of segments in a limit line.
"Add" adds a new segment to the end of the list. The new segment extends from
the "Stop Stimulus" value of the last segment to the end of the sweep range. Its
response values are equal to the "Stop Response" value of the last segment.
"Insert" adds a new segment before the active segment (marked by a blue back-
ground in the first column of the segment list). The new segment extends from the
"Stop Stimulus" value of the segment before the active segment to the "Start Stim-
ulus" value of the active segment. Its response values are equal to the "Start
Response" value of the active segment. The segment numbers in the list are adap-
If no segment is active, "Insert" is equivalent to "Add".
"Delete" removes the selected segment from the list.
"Delete All" clears the entire segment list so it is possible to define or load a new
limit line.
Remote command:
Recall... / Save...
The buttons open an Open File" or "Save File" dialog, which allows you to load a limit
line from a limit line file or store the current limit line configuration to a limit line file.
A limit line file (
) is a text file whose content describes a limit line configura-
Chapter, "File format for limit lines"
Remote command:
Get Trace... / Import File...
"Get Trace..." opens a dialog to load a limit line from a data or memory trace in the
active recall set.
Lines softtool